IT Solutions, Managed Services, Structured Cabling — Telcion

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Meet the Team: Quinn Flud

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Welcome back to Meet the Team, where every month we introduce you to someone here at Telcion. This month we're talking to Quinn Flud.

Quinn Flud


Years at Telcion: 1

Hi Quinn! What are your main responsibilities at Telcion?

My main responsibilities are to create video content for our website and social media.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

One professional skill I’m currently working on is learning how to tell a compelling story through video.

What led you to this career?

Overall what led me to this career has just been my interest in filmmaking and storytelling. And actually acting, because without the acting that I did in high school I wouldn’t have continued to pursue this. And it’s not even like I really pursued this, it just kind of happened.

But all of those little steps along the way led up to this opportunity, and lucky enough for me, I was prepared enough to take the opportunity and kind of run with it.

I guess what led me here was just my absolute passion to devour anything and everything that was behind the scenes, and filmmaking, and all of that.

When I was a kid, I used to love watching the special features to movies because it fascinated me how they made them. And now I kind of get to do that. I mean, it’s not to that level but that’s okay because I kind of get to exist within that realm where I’m applying those things that used to fascinate me.

All those dots are starting to connect, where it’s like, this thing I heard about first when I was 7 is now totally informing how I’m doing things now, which is not normal. You don’t normally say, “I learned this thing when I was 7 and now I use it for work all the time.” Unless you’re someone who does math all the time. Okay, maybe then.

What’s your biggest work pet peeve?

I think that the worst thing that can happen at a job is when people don’t really trust each other enough to be honest with each other. And I really dislike being in that kind of environment because it leads to a lot of other problems.If you don’t trust your coworkers it can lead to a lot of dishonesty and trying to lie to get around things. If you’re in that mindset you’re always worried about somebody undermining you and, like, trying to take your job and all these stupid things that can happen at other places. That doesn’t happen here.

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?

Getting my point across. When I’m trying to explain things to people I tend to go all over the place and that’s just my brain going everywhere. I think that if I could snap my fingers and become an expert, it would be in being more concise with what I want to say and getting exactly to the point right away.

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?

If I’m having a bad day—it’s funny because I’m going to say this and anyone who knows me is going to think that when I do this that means I’m having a bad day—I’ll take a drive in my car, listen to music really loud with the windows down, and just sing at the top of my lungs and do whatever I can to not be thinking about whatever stupid thing just happened.

It’s not always a bad day when I’m doing that. Sometimes I just like doing that, but if I’m having a bad day that’s one of the best things I can do.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I think that for a long time I didn’t think that I knew the answer. Because I think a lot of kids have that pipe dream thing, and kids will also really attach to whatever it is, like, “Oh, I want to be a doctor or lawyer," or whatever. And I never really verbalized it, but I always wanted to be an actor.

And then I had the dose of reality that was that’s not probably very possible (that didn’t stop me from trying in high school). So I was always interested in that as a kid but I never really thought that was going to happen. And then I think that not being super involved in that is what inevitably caused me to get on the other side of the camera which is what I do now.

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Don’t sweat the small stuff. That’s cliche, but I think that would have helped a lot. Because as a teenager in public school, you overthink everything. Everybody does. I’m pretty sure everybody does to some level. I definitely did.

So not sweating the small stuff would have been great. I would have had a much, much, much better time.

Also, this is different, but—do better in school.

What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?

Right now I think I’m learning to be okay with things not going as fast as I want them to. I’m having to learn that on a very deep level, because I usually am go go go. I’m finding that whether I want that to be the case or not, when you’re working with creative stuff, that is not how it works most times. I just doesn’t happen. Sometimes I can sit there for a whole day and be working on something, and it just doesn’t feel right until 3 days later.

That’s what I’m learning right now, because it usually ends up for the better anyway. So there’s no point in stressing about it not being quick, because it’s going to get there. I just have to give it the time to get there.

What book are you reading now?

It’s called Creativity, Inc.

This is the best book—okay, that’s a little dramatic because I’m in the middle of it. So far I’ve not read a book that exactly encapsulates the way that I would want to be when I’m older.

It’s a business leadership book, but it’s also a book about being a creative business leadership person. I mean, it’s about Pixar and it’s written by the president and founder of Pixar. Literally it’s everything from George Lucas and Lucasfilm and how they started there, and then how Steve Jobs bought them, and then how they had to figure out how to make a movie after their software company didn’t work—all these cool things. It’s just a fascinating book.

Thank you, Quinn!