Meet the Team: Aimee Gomes

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Aimee Gomes

Accounting Supervisor

Years at Telcion: 4

What are your main responsibilities at Telcion? 

My main responsibilities are finance and procurement. 

How do you prefer to start your day at work?

Coffee, of course (doesn’t everybody?), and music. I like to get here early before anybody else does. I’m not an afternoon person, so at 5 o’clock—probably about 3:30 if we want to be real honest—my brain turns off, so I try not to do anything that’s really crucial in the afternoon. 

So in the morning, I like to come early, drink my coffee, put my AirPods or if nobody’s here I just turn the music up and it makes me happy. 

What was your first job?

Well I did babysitting and stuff, but my first official job was a bagger at New Deal [Market]. I was a bagger for about a week and then I became a checker. 

What drains you at work?

Flex invoicing! Flex and WebEx invoicing. That is one—I have to focus. Like, if I’m having a Monday, just forget Flex invoicing because you have to really think and you have to match it up and it’s not an easy task. But when I get it done, I feel like I’ve accomplished something.

What led you to this career?

I’ve always wanted to do accounting. Even in high school, numbers was my thing. When I find an error—like I’m off 20 cents or whatever—it just brings pure happiness to me. I just love numbers. 

What’s your biggest work pet peeve?

Late people. If we set a meeting at 8 or 9, you need to be there at 8 or 9. Even 5 minutes early, because, you know, we have other things going on or it just—to me time is important. Time is valuable here, every second counts. Of course, stuff happens. You’re going to be late and you can text or call, but we have all these technologies to let people know. So I just think that we have a responsibility to be on time. 

If you could add one thing to Telcion’s office, what would it be?

A little Starbucks cafe, right where the coffee machine is. I mean, we get Starbucks coffee in the kitchen, but it’s not the same.

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?

I just focus on the positive stuff. There are so many things to be thankful for—that we’re here, that we woke up, that we have family and friends and a job to go to. 

Sometimes when you lose people, it makes you realize what you do have. Sometimes you can focus on the negative things, or missing that person. But we’re pretty gosh darn lucky. So if you just think about all the positive things you have—the kids, the grandkids—you can’t help but smile. 

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day?

Sometimes I have a little bit of coffee, not going to lie. Working out, playing with the dog, just things that help you unwind. But I do really like working out. Once again, I turn my music on and I have my garage set up. Michelle was like, “Oh, you like exercising?” No, I don’t really like exercising, I just like that my mind gets clear. Focusing on this or that, and the music, just kind of makes you forget everything. 

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?

Definitely with friends and family. I love my grandkids, just when they walk in and they say the cutest things… once again, we’re lucky to be here, we have the time, so to spend it with family and friends is so important. 

I also do roller skating. I did the derby for a little bit and that was a little too rough for me. So I went back to my old skates…it makes me think of when I was in high school or junior high. When we would go on field trips, we’d always go to this skating rink. The music’s playing and it’s good exercise and it’s fun!

You know, most people on Friday nights might be going out for real, but I go to the skating rink. [laughs]

What’s one song or artist that you’re embarrassed to admit you like?

Because of my kids, Lil Wayne. Kind of inappropriate, some songs, but I like the beat—I like to work out to it. Probably not the best thing to be saying, but it is what it is. 

What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?

Right now I’m just learning what my life looks like without Mo. So I’m just trying to figure out my new normal and it’s important because I’ve never really been alone. So I guess just finding myself and what the new Aimee looks like without Mo, and just my new normal. I’m not quite there yet, so I think that’s what I’m trying to learn and figure out who I am. 

What book are you reading now?

You know, my friends—well it’s my coffee group—so they got this book and she’s really into the universe and spirits and getting what you want as a woman of our age, so it’s Project 369.

I just started it and it’s a little bit different than what I’m used to, but I’m trying to have an open mind. And you know, maybe the universe is going to put me where I need to be and put the people in my life that I need, because obviously there was a plan. God had a plan when he put me at Telcion. I didn’t know what I was going to go through, but with the support that I have here, it’s definitely—so yeah, the 369 project is just something for me to work on to make myself better, I guess. 

What’s one hobby you’d love to get into?

I started a little bit with boxing—I have a little speed bag and a big bag and I’ve been doing it when I work out. But I want to go to a class and I want to do self defense, you know, because that kind of ties in. So I did my golf lessons, I started skating, and boxing is my next one.

What’s one totally irrational fear that you have?

I guess it’s not really irrational, but I’m claustrophobic. But I didn’t know I was until I got into the MRI machine and I flipped out. I was so embarrassed because I knew I was fine, the fellow was nice, and I needed to have it done, but I just literally flipped out and to this day I still can’t do it. They’ll give me the medicine and then I’ll ask if I can go backwards so that my head’s close.

What’s your favorite place to eat around here?

I love Bistro [234]. It is definitely my favorite. They have good sandwiches, good pasta, good drinks. 

Thanks so much, Aimee! 

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ca grown. photographer. kitchen enthusiast. practicing the way of jesus.

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