Meet the Team: Maci Britt

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Maci Britt

Content Marketing Manager

Years at Telcion: 7

How do you prefer to start your day at work?

I always start the workday drinking coffee, catching up on emails (I always look forward to the Morning Brew newsletter—the writing is so good), and reviewing my to do list.

What energizes you at work?

Any project involving Adobe InDesign. I love receiving a plain document with text, organizing it, adding illustrations, and making it look good.

What led you to this career?

When I started working at Telcion, I was hired as an admin assistant. It was my first full time job. I became the director of purchasing, and after doing that for a few years, my boss approached me with an offer to move into this more creative role.

What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?

We launched an employee incentive program this year that rewards tenure with fun trips. I had the best time designing the program booklet and I’m proud of how it turned out.

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?

I luckily don’t have bad days very often, but taking a little break to turn on a favorite song (probably Taylor Swift) & make an iced latte usually does the trick.

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day?

My favorite way to unwind is to hop on my bike right after work for some exercise and fresh air. I’d pick up dinner from my favorite neighborhood spot on the way home so I don’t have to cook, then eat while watching Claire Saffitz bake a cake on YouTube.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Nice, friendly, & chill.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?

On Saturday you’d find me sleeping in, then starting my morning with coffee and books before heading out for an adventure in the city with my boyfriend. On Sunday, I get up earlier to shop at my local farmers market before church.

If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?

This is such a tough question. I’m going to answer it assuming all the default apps like Photos, Camera, and Messages are included. So I’d pick Spotify, VSCO, and Instagram.

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

As someone who did not know what she wanted to be when she grew up, I was always envious of people who did know exactly. I would tell my teenage self that it’s okay to not have a ten-year plan. It’s okay to not have it all figured out. And I’d tell her (spoiler alert) that she still won’t feel like she has it all figured out, even in her late twenties.

I think life can and often does turn out so much differently than we imagine it will. In the end, the most important thing to me will never be my career accomplishments, but that I do the best I can each day and am kind to everyone I encounter.

What’s one song or artist that you’re embarrassed to admit you like?

This is a new one for me—Harry Styles?! I don’t pay much attention to super hyped people, & rolled my eyes whenever his song “As It Was” played in the background of yet another Instagram reel. But then a friend said I should listen to his new album so I did and I didn’t hate it.

What book are you reading now?

I always have more than one book going at a time! Currently I’m reading A War of Loves by David Bennett, The Holy Longing by Ronald Rolheiser, Seasonal Work by Laura Lippman, and Cookies by Jesse Szewczyk (I like to read cookbooks cover-to-cover).

What’s your favorite TV show—the one you’re always watching on repeat?

As much as I’d like to be more original, I have to say The Office. It’s just so familiar and reliably funny. I love it & never get tired of it. I’m also always watching reruns of New Girl.

What’s one item you want to own that you don’t?

I’d love to own a pink velvet couch. Maybe someday!

Thank you, Maci!

🤝 Connect with Maci on LinkedIn

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