Why Co-Managed Security Could Be Right For You  

Keeping track of threats to your organization’s security is literally a full time job (that’s why security engineers exist).

But sometimes maintaining a robust security defense is too much for one person, or even a team of people.

If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed with keeping your organization secure, then you might want to consider a co-managed security solution.

A co-managed security solution is a great way to augment the skills of your existing IT team, while getting to take advantage of the expertise and toolsets of your security partners.

Skeptical? Let’s weigh your options.

Issues with DIY Cybersecurity

Lack of Expertise

Identifying and mitigating potential security threats without a dedicated security team can be challenging. Even you have dedicated security professionals on your IT staff, many organizations can’t afford to have 24/7 coverage, which can put the network at risk.

Time Constraints

Keeping up with the latest threats and updating your infrastructure can be time-consuming, taking away from other important business tasks.


Investing in the necessary tools and personnel can be expensive for small or medium-sized businesses. This leads to gaps in security which can leave your organization at risk.


Scaling your security infrastructure is necessary as your business grows, but it can be difficult to meet these growing needs on your own.

Issues with Outsourcing

Lack of control

You may have less control over the security of your systems and data when outsourcing to a third party.

Dependence on provider

If the provider experiences a breach or goes out of business, your organization can be left vulnerable.


The provider’s security solutions may not be compatible with your existing infrastructure. This means you may have to purchase additional products to ensure compatibility, which comes with an additional cost.


Outsourcing security can be expensive, and you may have limited control over the cost of the service. Relying on an outsourced security team means that when they raise prices, you have to pay if you want to stay secure.

Why You Should Choose Co-managed Security:


A co-managed security solution means that you get access to the expertise of your partners, in addition to the expertise of your existing security team.


With a co-managed security solution, your security strategy grows when you grow.


Many industries, such as healthcare, have a legal responsibility to maintain compliance with certain security standards. A co-managed security solution can offer aspects of these regulatory requirements, like 24/7 coverage, as well as work with you to shift your strategy when the requirements change.

24/7 coverage

Maintaining 24/7 coverage on your organization can be expensive and draining on your security staff. A co-managed security partner can help you maintain eyes on your network at all times, without those disadvantages.


  • Full visibility to alerts and toolsets

  • Multi-provider strategy

  • Contractual commitments

  • Reporting and transparency

  • Cutting-edge technology

  • Cost savings

If you want to talk about what it looks like to partner with a co-managed security solution, then email sales@telcion.com and ask about our new SOC/SIEM offering.


Meet the Team: Michael Zuniga


5 Questions To Ask To Help Fill Gaps in Your Security