Telcion Home Office Tours: Theresa White

Telcion team member: Theresa White

Role: Client Success Representative/BDR

Length of time at Telcion: 2 years

Kicking off a new series, We'll be taking some time each month to peek into the home offices of Telcion team members. Most of our team works remotely or on a hybrid basis, and so much of the work that we accomplish takes place in a network of homes, offices, and coffee shops across the country.

This week we are looking at Theresa White’s office, our Client Success Representative and BDR from Telcion’s sales team. Let’s go!

What’s Your Setup?

“My work frequently requires me to consult several different views at the same time, so a multiple monitor set up is a must. The external monitors I inherited from my tech-nerd dad (he upgraded), so they’re a bit of a mishmash. Originally I was planning on using all three monitors, plus my DX80, but as it turns out, docking stations with more than 3 HDMI ports are incredibly expensive, so I only use two of the monitors. The third monitor is still on the monitor arm for balance purposes, but I have covered it with a scarf since isn’t currently in use.

Recently I added a keyboard tray to my desk for enhanced ergonomic comfort, and it has made a big difference in how I enjoy sitting at my desk (go figure—back pain isn’t fun). I haven’t figured out a good way to hide all the cords yet, but right now I’m pretty happy with where my set up is at.”

Favorite Piece of Technology

“My favorite piece of technology is hands down my DX80. When I joined Telcion two years ago and got the device for my office, I was in awe over the video quality for my meetings. And as a music enthusiast, I’m also appreciative of the sound quality of the speakers for when I’m jamming by myself. Having the DX80 on my desk makes it super easy to call people, join meetings, share content, or use as a nice external monitor if I’m not actively collaborating. Now that I know what it’s like to have a dedicated collaboration device, I never want to go back!”

Small Details

“I definitely love my digital technology, but I still use paper on the daily for journaling and making quick notes, so I like to have writing supplies easily available on my desk. Normal black and blue writing pens are in one cup, colored pens are in the other, and the proudly represented Telcion mug holds the odds and ends, including a quill I got as a gift!

The little silver tray holds the necessary pad of post-its, my AirPods case, and a couple of die (D12 and D20). I like playing card games and role play games that involve different types of die so it’s a nice personal touch for my desk, but I also use the dice to help me decide between tasks of similar importance—it helps with decision fatigue!”

Fun Touches

“I’m a musician and there is limited space in my house, so my office also doubles as a music room! Currently I play 5+ instruments (and counting!) so having easy access to them makes playing and writing music more accessible in my day to day life. Sometimes I will take a short break from work to sit down and play—it’s a great way to let my brain take a rest and think about something else, and always leaves me refreshed to continue working.”

Thanks for showing us around, Theresa!

Stay tuned next month for the next home office tour.


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